Seems I’ve had my right shoulder dislocated for the past 5 weeks. They operated yesterday. I will be in a sling for 6 weeks with limited mobility. Should be interesting to see how the art develops. . .

So what’s this, some ancient pagan symbolism? Am I being prepared for sacrifice?


Maybe its for a new a tattoo?

No it’s to show me what to do!

You’re very confident with the pen, probably just generally confident.

STFU & get ready. . .

Agghhhhhooooo! That’s just the insult to me dress sense. .

First day of inaction and I smash a thorny ancestry linkage problem. Obviously using the wrong hand freed up a left brain / right brain block

White socks.

Pencil and water colour drawing with my left hand. . .

Other hand desk top

Drawing. A4: Pencil and watercolour. . .

48 hours post operation I changed the dressing.

Small incision? That’s a cut from the arm pit to collar bone!

No doubt I’ll be able to dine out on shark attack stories. . .

Genius crew tried making a a latte with one hand

Undressing . . . A4: Other hand pen and watercolour drawing . . .

Built an ergonometric lap based telecommunications den, armchair, clipboard and some crazily long mouse and keyboard USBs (who knew?). . . I have a long list of jobs to do. . . should work for right hand small drawings, exercise, as discussed with physio no reaching etc

The drawing chair?

Not sure trying drawing with the effected arm was the best idea I ve ever had. I was reminded I draw in a kind of whole arm gesticular manner and returned to other hand. . .

Combination handed self portrait . . . A4: Pen and watercolour drawing . . .

The bruising is surfacing. . . when I’m fixed there’s a study in skin tone oil to do. . .

I can just about remember when bank holidays were a thrill. . . This August bank holiday along with my usual medication that accompany Type 1 diabetes & my collection of old man vitamins, I have painkillers and antiemetics. I drewn up a sheet so I can follow what I’ve taken and when with military precision, it’s all very exciting. .

I got hold of a larger drawing board so I can draw on my lap, moving the position of the paper and not my shoulder. Still quire stiff and sore but hopefully good rehab exercise. . .

Pair of Mugs. . . A4 : Pen and watercolour drawing. . . always read the label. . .

Creatures . . . A4: Pen & watercolour drawing. . .

Sling doodle. . .A4: Pencil & watercolour drawing . . . Painful and slow but possible. . .

One week after shoulder surgery I can do some limited doodling on board on my lap. . .