I want to set the stage for making the viewer think about an number of thing and make them suggestible to the ides of the animation (a bit like Derren Brown). These concepts are:

1). The endless nature of blood tests.

2). The material use to make the animation.

3). Prepare them for the concept of imagining lancet caps as glucose molecules.

4).  To make them think about eating.

BGA Imagine (pre edit) 07 Aug 14

BGA Eating your imagination Fri 08 Aug 14 

4200 plus one. Whole animation.  08 Aug 14 

I mapped out a large IMAGINE in block capitals before removing the letters.

Imagin Map 07 Aug 14

I am quite pleased with the over all effect for the introductory setting of the stage for the rest of the message of the animation. So much so I am thinking about finishing the animation here and letting it stand alone. As a piece of Conceptual Art, I think it works well and raises several interesting questions.

I am not sure if the crystallisation phase is to long.

Imagine 2 09 Aug 14

To ready the viewer’s imagination. IMAGINE i.e. re-written.

Go get the letting as reasonable accurate as possible the template is used and the animation is made in reversed to the way it will be finally presented.

I was not sure whether the letters should be ‘written out’ or appear whole (sequentially). Recording the ‘written out method means they can be edited to the ‘appear whole’, if required. The ‘written out’ presentation works well, the pace is good and provides a bridge for the next text based ‘this is glucose’ part of the animation.

BGA Imagine 2 09 Aug 14 edit


4200 plus one. Whole IM 09 Aug 14